The change we all so desire

How many times have you found yourselves lost in activities that really do not serve you?

What I mean by serve you is does the activity nourish you and really truly help with the feeling of joy and ease that so many of search for.

I invite you to pause, maybe even close your eyes and feel in to the some of your activities over the last few days.

Rest assured this is normal, just allow yourself to just notice what shows up and as best you can hold the judgement. Get curious about what shows up.

What I know myself is that what I used to do was add layer upon layer of judgements on top of myself which just leads to a busier mind and even more exhaustion. An endless cycle.

I see this time and time again with my clients. I bring love to them and allow them to love themselves too.

Connecting to love allows our heart felt desires to be uncovered and when we focus on that the change comes from a deeper sense of truth. Fear or old patterns will show up but the work is to notice them and the more we see them for what they the less compelling they are.

We gently bring the focus back to love and when your focus changes you life changes.


What would it feel like to just move your body?


Uncovering the darkness