About me

Get to know a little more about my journey and why I am so devoted to supporting you

Hello, I am Janet

Soul guide for Mums

In my early career I worked at a big 4 accountancy firm and then as a financial controller. I felt unfulfilled so I decided to follow my passion for learning and teaching. I spent 15 years training hundreds of students to pass their professional accountancy exams.

During the same time, I had three boys in three years - yes three under three. Whilst pregnant with my eldest son my brother died and then three months later, totally unexpectedly, my Dad died.

Underneath the outward success there was a darker side to me that I kept hidden to all but a few people.

My own healing journey

I struggled with anxiety, depression and significant episodes of chronic fatigue. My energy levels were a constant rollercoaster and I felt disconnected from life and myself. I tried many ways to heal myself, the medical route of antidepressants, therapy, and many alternative practices. I often numbed the pain with one too many glasses of wine. All these experiences intensified my feeling that I was broken and my hidden fear of being crazy .

Nothing provided anything but short term relief. 

Something in me knew to keep searching for an answer. Then, totally by accident, I found a path that encouraged me to become fully human. After spending time in those teachings I knew I need to go deeper.

My body was pushing.

I had a profound shift in my energy. I felt a deep connection to spirit for the first time in my life and life has not looked or felt the same since. I healed myself, saw through my story, and created a strong connection to my soul.  I remembered what a sensitive child I was and rather than shutting this down I have embraced it. 

I believe this is possible for you too. 

As well as being a Chartered Accountant I now have 20 years of motherhood to three boys under my belt, and am a Certified Transformational Coach. All of these skills and the awakening of my natural gifts enable me to support you in a deeply loving, nourishing, yet practical way.

I now teach Mums to fully love themselves, find their own connection to spirit and live as sovereign rooted woman.

If you want to learn more about how I can support you book a free call below.