Uncovering the darkness

Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too ,was a gift.” Mary Oliver

Just be positive- we hear that phrase frequently and if it was so easy to just press a switch we would all be full of positivity.

Personally I tried so hard to be more positive , change my thinking , get good at mindfulness or master CBT. I invite you to consider the strategies of the mind that you have tried and look again at how they make your body feel.

Is there a part of you that knows there is another way of being in your life that you truly desire?

For me after far many years of searching for peace I found relief in a spiritual path – there was an immediate sense of lightness as I saw through my thinking. Along with a deep sense of being understood and seen as whole which it seems to me it something we are all searching for – fitting in and finally not feeling broken.

And yet there was still so many parts of me that I kept hidden, the unconscious still running the show. Hidden energy trapped in the body.

When I was ready to be held and supported in the descent to the body and the darkness I was able to feel feelings that had been masked by the bypass.

The most courageous of paths . Are you ready to walk a path to uncover the darkness as a path to freedom?

A portal to change where you get to uncover the darkness as a way to embrace all of your feelings and fall truly deeply in love with yourself. A path that opens your hearts to creating the life you dream of.


The change we all so desire


Your body is calling for connection