What would it feel like to just move your body?

One of the practices I invite my clients into is body led movement.

The honest truth is I experienced resistance to this practice when my own soul guide suggested it and yet I allowed myself move gently into the practice. There was a part of me that feel good as I began to let my body lead me rather than the noise of my head.

One of the best ways to explain it is to think back to being a child or if you have young children then watch them. That experience of just being guided by what feels good rather than worrying about how we look.

For me it reminds me of skipping down the pavement when I was little. What would it feel like to just move with no cares in the world?

Whilst there is no right or wrong way to do this here is some guidance because I truly know how difficult it can be to connect back to our bodies:

  • Create a space where you will not be disturbed, just so you can let go of that “what do i look like “ thought.

  • Place your hands on your heart and breath into your heart-space

  • Play some music and allow yourself to move, flow and feel into your body

  • There is no way to look, move or feel - your body will guide you.

  • And as ever if you experience feels too much or too overwhelming thank your body for her guidance.

And of course I hear you saying why Janet?

There so many reasons so I offer this one for now. It guides you to get out of your head and into your body.

Our feminine feeling bodies are a guide as they allow us to access our own knowing and connect to our soul.



Trusting our instincts as mums


The change we all so desire