The Rooted Mother 1:1

A journey from unrooted to rooted.

A journey home to your soul.

Dearest Mother, does any of this feel familiar to you?

You are stuck in patterns of striving to fix your outside world first…

The way this often manifests is through a belief that things will change when a future event happens. You might find yourself booking a holiday,  starting a new job or creating a new routine in the desperate hope that it will be the one thing that creates change.  And yet nothing truly changes, because your to-do list just gets longer and more overwhelming.

Your mind is constantly racing…

You are continually trying to control yourself, and your family, with the belief that if you were just more together or perfect then life would be so much better. 

Your mental and physical health isn’t thriving…

Mental and physical health symptoms such as anxiety,  depression, migraines, menstrual cycle symptoms and a whole range of other physical symptoms seem to be hindering your ability to truly thrive and feel alive.  You may feel drawn to alternative treatments with the sense that they can offer you a solution, and yet they don’t offer anything but short term relief.

Your don’t feel you belong and that something is missing…

There is this constant nagging sense. that you are different to others and a feeling of discomfort in your own skin. Deep in your heart you have a sense there is something missing or just not quite right but you just can't put your finger on it.  You have a deep knowing that there is more on offer in this life yet you are not sure where to look for your joy and how to find it again.

Your spirit feels a little bit… broken…

You are sitting with an overriding feeling of being broken, and that you are getting mothering wrong and constantly worry about the impact this may have on your children. 

Dearest Mother, let me hold your heart, and your hand, and lovingly guide you back to the truth of your soul…

The roots in the dark are where the hidden gold is

Let the wounds bleed gold

The roots in the dark are where the hidden gold is Let the wounds bleed gold

Hi, I am Janet

I am a bridge between the ancient and the modern.

The more we can be with ourselves, and embrace the parts of us we have closed off to, the more capacity we have for others, especially our children.

As your guide, my role is to teach you how to feel and be with your emotions, while also gently guiding you home to your heart and soul, so you can be the Mother you know you were meant to be.

Together we will work to deepen into trust, love and softness in order for you to heal your inner world, which in turn will drastically shift your outer world.

I believe that Motherhood is an initiation and an awakening.

Are you ready to go deeper and change the story?

The Rooted Mother journey will support you to:

  • Become comfortable with who you are  and a deep understanding of yourself 

  • Living  from your values and your own vision for your family 

  • Feeling into your body as a guide in your life rather than as a source of symptoms

  • A grounded nervous system so that you don’t get emotionally overewhelwmed 

  • End those cycles of losing your “shit”

  • Trust in your own intuition - a heart based knowing deeply rooted in trust. 

  • Growing into your unique wonder 

  • Coming home to yourself 

  • Trust in life 

  • Unravel - meet your old story /patterns from the heart and not the head. 

What you will receive

A safe, loving and non judgemental space created via 1:1 sessions and between session support, guiding you to calm your nervous system and open your heart, which includes…


I will invite you to share your truth - what’s actually going on for you, what’s in your hearts, and how you are really feeling. A place where all parts of you feel truly welcomed.


I will provide practical guidance and wisdom on real life challenges to support you to respond to life rather than react to it.


I will give you practices and rituals, including nature-based ones, that will help calm your nervous system and allow you to hear your own wisdom

You will be softly guided into embracing what it means to be  fully human as you learn to love all parts of yourself where you get to mother from your knowing not from your wounding. 

The investment…

The Rooted Mother 1:1 is a six month journey that includes…

3 months of weekly 60 minute 1:1 session on Zoom 


3 months of fortnightly sessions 1:1 sessions on Zoom 

The investment is £2,888

If you know deep in your bones that this journey is for you, book a free 60 minute call to talk more…

  • “I’m not sure what I expected from my coaching with Janet but the results were not what I expected. It was like taking a walk through my true nature with a dear friend and finding myself in a clearing with an emerging vision of my future, which was soul led, not mind led as it had been.

    Yes there were bumps along the way and a barrow full of resistance, but several new paths in my life have opened up since and I’m sure because of my time spent in Janet’s warm encouraging company that these new paths have unfolded. Janet doesn’t only show you where to look, but walks beside you on the path to a more fulfilling and soul led life.”


  • “Janet’s wisdom is at once ethereal, and deeply pragmatic. She speaks the language of Love, meeting whatever you bring without condition; neither judging, not glossing over. Her mission is to with - and love - what is. There is profound healing in that”

    Kate B

  • “I had been struggling with anxiety during the early months of motherhood and Janet helped me realise why I was feeling that way. I felt so much more confident in my own ability to trust my instincts and Janet didn’t tell me what to do but instead guided my own thought process. I would highly recommend Janet as a coach and feel more connected to my instincts as a result of her support.“ 


  • “I got soooo much wisdom from your wisdom. You are an amazing coach - so gentle. The difference between yourself coaching me and others is I feel relaxed with you and have let go of thinking.”


  • “The support from Janet has been life changing. I now have the confidence and positivity to create the life I want.”

    Rebecca F

  • “I now realise how much I LOVE embodiment! It's all alive inside. It's so wise and so quiet and confident in its wisdom. It doesn't need to shout coz it knows it's bigger than anything else. But once you connect with it - OH my god it's the loudest party of utter joy and love you can get! Janet thank you for helping me see and feel all this. Thank you for leading me to embrace my womanhood and truly value all that we are. You are SUCH a gift.”

    Kate M